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About us:
Westdale lane
baptist church


We are a faith community, who come together to get to know God our Father, to celebrate what he has done through Jesus, to learn, to grow and to be family together. We have discovered the incredible love of God, and we look to experience that love and give it away.

Our services are open to everyone regardless of faith, as we seek to grow together.

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Hi I'm Rose & I'm currently  part of the leadership  here at Westdale  Lane  Baptist  Church. I've attended WLBC for  a number of years and consider it my spiritual home. A bible verse was read out for me at my Baptism from 1 Corinthians 13. It talks about Love and ends with, "now these three things remain: Faith. Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." We aspire to show God's love here at WLBC  to all .

I'm Janine. I've been a Deacon at Westdale Lane Baptist Church since 2019 and have been attending the Church since 1985 and still loving it! To me Church has been a second family and, in finding God's love for me there, by sending his Son to die for me, this reality has seen me through some really joyful times as well as the pretty rough ones too.

 I enjoy reading, going on long walks with friends, and, provided I'm "home alone", playing music full blast and singing along heartily.

My favourite Bible verse is Galatinas 5:22-23, which lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit as Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Restaint. To me this is the perfect summing up of the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. And who wouldn't want to remain in the presence of such beauty?


Hi, I'm James. I've been a Baptist minister for 30 years and I love to help people discover God. I've been minister at Westdale Lane since 2021.

I'm a regular at the Gedling parkrun and I enjoy getting out into countryside and playing guitar. I'm a firm believer in the love of God, and I love it when I see God's love in people, in happy times and sad.

My favourite Bible verses are the ones that tell us to love our neighbour as ourselves. It's something special when people learn that God thinks they are lovable, and they learn to live in that love and give it away.


I’m Pat.  I am the Girls’ Brigade captain.

I became a Christian as a young teenager and was baptised the day before I started my first job, so as a nervous 16yr old I started work on a real high.

I love working with the girls in brigade showing them the love of Christ through example as well as teaching.   For many years I worked in Sunday school and I am still ready and willing to take children out on a Sunday for teaching.  I also love being with the ‘older’ ladies at Ladies Fellowship and sharing in worship with them.

Being able to share God’s love in practical ways is a real bonus. My family is very important to me - I have a husband, 3 children & spouses, and 7 grandchildren.

It is not a favourite verse but keeps me grounded, it was written in the Bible I was given as my baptismal gift :Philippians 4 v 6 & 7 (RSV) “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


 Pamela Perkins is one of our trustees.

Here is a short introduction from Pamela:

I have attended a Baptist church since the age of 4. Going to Sunday School, Guides. Later becoming a Sunday School teacher; a Brownie Leader and also a Cub Scout Leader. In 1977 l was Baptised at Bulwell Baptist church. We attended Westdale Lane Church as a family in 1988.

At Westdale Lane l have supported many of the activities which take place here and enjoyed everyone. I firmly believe in Christ and trust you will pray for all who attend our church and those outside it.

Hi.  My name is Andy.

I’m a retired engineer and have been attending Westdale Lane Baptist Church for nearly 40 years, now, having come to faith previously as a 25-year-old.  During this time, I have had a number of ”jobs” there.  Currently I do the financial admin and co-ordinate the Sunday worship, frequently playing in the band.

I am married with 3 married children and 7 grandchildren

My hobbies include DIY, gardening, puzzles and coffee shops.

I find it difficult to pick one bible verse. If pushed, I would go for the first letter of John, ch 3, v 16, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us." (NIV))


          Hi, I'm Chris. I've belonged to Westdale Lane for six years. I'm a retired Baptist minister, married to Catherine. We help at times to look after our three local grandchildren, and wish we saw more of our other two grandchildren who live near Oxford. For relaxation, I enjoy watching cricket, and pottering with my train set in the log cabin in the garden. I've followed Christ ever since I was a child, but I've been realising how much more there is of Him to know, which is wonderful, and how much more I still need to grow and change.

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