A few weeks ago, I was persuaded to ‘tail walk’ with Ruth at parkrun. It’s the job of the tail walker to come last, partly to make sure everyone is ok; partly so the other volunteers know when their job is finished.
I hadn’t realised that the view from the tail is so different, despite Ruth’s attempts to tell me. Within a couple of minutes, the only parkrunners I could see were two who were walking because of injuries. I lost the sense that I was part of the occasion. I felt different and lonely.
I didn’t understand what it is like to be last. I’m no elite runner, but I’ve learned that my position feels very different from the tail. I needed to experience the tail before I understood it.
There’s so much I don’t know. I don’t know what it is like to be black, or disabled, or gay, or a woman, or so many other things.
So what can I do? Well, first I can acknowledge that I am privileged. And then I can get alongside those who aren’t. I’ve learnt from my parkrun experience that listening isn’t enough. It’s experience that matters.
The thing is, we worship the one who tells us that the last will be first and the first will be last. The one who says that the greatest must be servant of all. The one who demonstrated this so perfectly.
Jesus knows. He understands. He has been there.
He invites us to join the tail.
In his grace