Happy New Year … and an invitation
If you are part of our community at Westdale Lane, this is for you.
First, I want to assure you of my prayers as we enter 2023. Some of us have had a hard year in 2022. None of us know what the New Year will hold, but we do follow the one who promises never to leave us or forsake us, the one who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I’m here for you; if you want to talk let me know.
Second, I want to give you a special invitation to our church on Sunday January 15th. We will meet for worship as usual at 10:30, with a light lunch after the service and time for discussion and prayer.
Why this invitation?
We are going to come together because it is a good and right thing to do. We are a body and we depend on each other.
And also: Pat has told us that she will step down as deacon and secretary in March. We are, I’m sure, grateful to Pat for so many things and we will thank her properly in due course. January 15th is about seeking God’s way forward. Who should be our leaders? Who is God calling to step up? What is the direction of Westdale Lane Baptist Church? Can we, together, discern the mind of Christ?
This isn’t a formal meeting. It’s not restricted to church members. If you possibly can, please may I ask you to be there. You are a valuable part of God’s family.
So please: if you are able, put the date in your diary and allow an extra hour after the normal finish time. I plan to be finished by 1:00pm.
God has blessed our church many times. Let’s gather believing that he will bless us again and he wants us to be his partners in building his kingdom.
In God’s hope, peace and love