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Members and leaders ...

Dear friends

First, a big thank you to everyone who came to our post-service meeting on January 15th and to all who worked to make it a success. It's encouraging to see the love you have for our church and to hear your prayers for our future.

If you didn't make it, that's ok. Let me fill you in.

As I guess you will know, Pat is stepping down as deacon and secretary at our AGM in March. So we came together to think and pray about church membership and the roles of deacon and secretary.

Our services are open to everyone; members are those who are committed to the Lord Jesus as part of our church family. The roles of deacon and secretary can be held by people who have been members for at least a year.

Membership is important to keep us in line with Charity law. It is, to use the jargon, a covenant where we commit to working together and caring for each other. If you are not yet a member, will you please consider it?

Deacons are the charitable trustees of the church. They have overall responsibility for the way the church operates. We are looking for people we trust and respect, people who care for the church family who can encourage the church to move forward, people who give a good example of the life of faith who have a good reputation. It's challenging and fulfilling. It is doable. Who do you think might be a good person to fulfil this role? It might be someone who has done the job before, or someone new.

The secretary is a deacon with specific responsibility for the administration of the church. They don't do everything, but they do keep an eye on all aspects church life. They have a specific role for deacon and church meetings, and they work closely alongside the minister. They play a big part in setting the tone of the church. Pat has done a great job. Her replacement won't be a copy of her. Who do you think might be a good person to fulfil this role?

Deacons are elected by the members. That's why I'm asking you to think and to pray. If you have ideas, please don't sit on them. Talk to people. Speak to an existing deacon or to me. Pray that God will strengthen our membership and give us leadership that will encourage the church to move forward.

We have a mission from God. Let's get our leadership in place.

Looking forward to 2023.


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