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Westdale Lane Baptist Church

Proposed Prayer Day – Autumn 2023

June 4th 2023

Dear members and friends of Westdale Lane

We are starting to plan a prayer day for the autumn of 2023.

We know that many people in our church are already praying, and we want to encourage you as much as we can. Our prayer groups that meet on Saturday and Monday are a vital part of our church life.

The aim of this day is for us to come with a united set of priorities for our prayer. We want to encourage everyone to pray as they feel led, but we also believe that it is time for a prayer agenda which we all prioritise.

We have started work to shape this agenda, but we want this to be the task of the whole church. Today we are asking you to think, pray, and contact us, with your ideas as to what the agenda could be. Please let us know by the end of July.

To get the conversation going, here are five possible ideas from our discussions as deacons. We ask you to pray about these things over the next few months, and to let us know your thoughts as to what we may have missed, and what might be changed.

1. Prayer for effectiveness in our Mission – that we will know how to bring good news to the community around us.

2. Prayer for people who were once part of our church and are no longer part of any church.

3. Prayer for the hurts we are carrying, that God will bring healing, especially hurts we have experienced in church.

4. Prayer that we will be a compassionate church, where everyone gives and receives care from each other.

5. Prayer that we will be a church where we all feel OK to be the people that we are, and where we are all open to God’s grace.

Thank you so much for reading this. Please do let us know your thoughts.

In his grace

James, Rose, Sarah, Pam, Janine

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