Dear friends
We’ve thought a lot this year about Mission, and we took the next step forward on June 16th, when we started to think about Mission Action Planning.
For those who weren’t there, I’ve attached a copy of the PowerPoint. It may also be a good remember if you were there.
Mission Action Planning is a process to help churches engage in their mission. It is based on prayer and listening. It’s there to help us to understand what God wants us to do, and how we can be more fruitful in the mission God has given us. It is promoted by the East Midlands Baptist Association (EMBA.)
I’d like you, please, to think about this. Do you think this would be good for us at Westdale Lane? I’m asking because it is a process for the whole of the church.
If we go ahead, we will look honestly at where we are as a church. We will look at possibilities. We will come up with a plan.
So can I please ask you to think about this and to get back to me. Is this something we would benefit from?
If you want to know more the link is: Mission Action Planning - EMBA (
Let’s think and pray!
In his love