What do you want me to do for you?
As your minister, I'd like to know the answer to this question, not that I'm promising to do what you want. God can do all things, but I can't.
Jesus said that we are to do for others what we want them to do for us. He says that this sums up the Bible as he knew it.
So, what do I want others to do for me?
Well, I'd like people to listen to me.
I'd like people to be kind.
I'd like them to give me space when I need it.
I'd like them to challenge me, but only in the kindest way possible.
I'd like them to be generous towards me.
I'd like them to forgive me.
I'd like them to look at me in the best possible light.
I'd like people to encourage me in what I do well - and to cover for me in the things I don't.
Ok - there's my list of action points.
'Do to others what you want them to do for you.' Wouldn't a church that truly followed that be an amazing church?
For every way that you are seeking to do this, my heartfelt thanks. Let's do this more and more, inspired by the one who modelled it so perfectly.
In his grace